9.0暗影国度 8.2中玩家选择不会在暗影界体现

  • 魔兽发布员 发布于 2019-12-14 13:14:27
  • 栏目:最好玩魔兽私服
  • 来源:暴雪游戏编辑部
  • 9090 人围观


In our exclusive BlizzCon interview with Frank Kowalkowski and Steve Danuser, we asked about the impact of player choice in the BFA War Campaigns moving forward in Shadowlands.With the importance of Sylvanas in Shadowlands, and one new zone, the Maw, lacking a Covenant, players were speculating that Sylvanas loyalists might unlock a special covenant or rewards in Shadowlands. However, we learned that the BFA faction storyline has wrapped up, and choosing to be a Sylvanas loyalist will not have any gameplay impact in Shadowlands.

窝窝头在嘉年华上专访Frank Kowalkowski与Steve Danuser时,就争霸艾泽拉斯的阵营战役中玩家做出的选择是否会延续到暗影国度提出了疑问。考虑到希尔瓦娜斯在暗影国度中的重要戏份,以及新区域噬渊并没有对应的盟约,玩家猜测希尔瓦娜斯的死忠们是否会在暗影国度解锁一份独有的盟约或者奖赏。然而,此次采访中窝窝头了解到,争霸艾泽拉斯的阵营故事线已经圆满结束,选择做一名希尔瓦娜斯死忠不会在暗影国度中享受一份独有的剧情。


Q:Will Alliance and Horde have different Leveling zones?


A:No. We really told the story of the Alliance and Horde in Battle for Azeroth. The focus of this expansion is everyone going to the Shadowlands to face this new danger that's being unleashed. Certainly, you'll still be playing as Alliance or Horde but it's about the heroes of both factions working together to take on the threat. The faction war is behind us.


A:The Covenants don't care about Horde and Alliance. There's no Horde Covenant or Alliance Covenant, players are going to choose which Covenant they align with.


Q:What role will player choice have in the Shadowlands narrative?


A:You get a huge player choice with choosing a covent right away, it's a window for the expansion and obvious player choice that has both gameplay and narrative consequences.


A:The choice of Horde aligning with Saurfang or Sylvanas was appropriate for Battle for Azeroth, because of the themes we were involved with. We're talking about a different type of story in Shadowlands, so the choices you'll make are more personal for your character, related to customizing the things you want to unlock and the choices you make that way. It's less about specific narrative moments, but that is something which is in our back pocket if we ever decide there's an appropriate time again for a choice like that. It's something that we're certainly not afraid of.


A:If you are a Sylvanas loyalist, the things she said to you at Windrunner Spire were meant to wrap up that specific storyline. She's basically saying "You were with me, you made these choices, you were on the right side of it. Those choices can't save you from what's to come." So it was meant to wrap up that arc because it was not something we wanted to carry forward.


A:We want each expansion to tell its own story and lead into the next one, and the Shadowlands has a whole new set of mysteries to unlock and new things to figure out. If you were a loyalist before, it's not going to be something that directly impacts how your gameplay is going to shape out. It's all about getting in there, finding out about these covenants, and seeing what the cause of Sylvanas' actions were in the big picture, and who these new forces are that she's aligned herself with.


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